Charleston, WV Table Tennis

Breaking CTTC News




The results of this year's Harry Sands Memorial Teams Tournament are as follows:

Teams Results

Teams - Brackets Results

Singles Results

Doubles Results

Photo of Players


The CTTC hosted the 2015 HSMTT 0n January, 24, 2015.  There were 13 teams and 44 participants the largest number of both in the history of the HSMTT, it has probably been over 2 decades since that many quality table tennis players occupied the same gym floor in Charleston.  Read More....



Winners of this month's Doubles Handicap Tournament (Random Draw) were:

1st Place - William Miller and Dustin McClung

2nd Place - Alex King and Mike Corica



Winners of this month's Handicap Tournament were:

1st Place - Mike Corica

2nd Place - Alex King

3rd Place - Jimmy Nguyen

4th Place - Richard Dolen



Winners of our League's first Handicap Tournament of the year were:

1st Place - Ryan Robinson

2nd Place - Mike Corica

3rd Place - Arky Myatezh

4th Place - Ron Eisenger



Our new season kicked off today with 29 players showing up to enter the round robin.  With 10 tables being utilized there was plenty of exciting action.  An explanation of our current format and sign in procedures will be forthcoming in the next few days. 



Tonight was our first league handicap tournament of the season.  Most participants chipped in one dollar in order to provide a small winners prize at the end of the night.  Being a handicap tournament, the lower rated player was spotted a certain amount of points according to their rating differential between them and their opponent.  By doing this, in theory, either player has a chance to win the match.  The play was one game to 41. 


There were many very close matches and, in fact, several matches were won by the lower rated player.  Ron Eisenger gave several players a run for their money and ended the night in 4th place. 


Ryan Robinson wound up playing Mike Corica for the championship.  Arky Myatezh played Ron Eisenger to determine 3rd and 4th places.  In the end the results were as follows:


1st Place: Ryan Robinson

2nd Place: Mike Corica

3rd Place: Arky Myatezh

4th Place: Ron Eisenger


The format of the next handicap tournament will probably change.  We may play using four groups and the winners of those groups will play for the championships.  This will allow players to compete in several matches instead of one loss and your done.  Direct any suggestions or questions to the club officers.



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